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Hear from Dr Mike on why you need to act today


As Chief Medical Officer at Anxend, I understand how stressful and overwhelming it can feel trying to get help for your child’s mental health.

The numbers of children and young people struggling with their mental health is escalating rapidly, and the current approach is not working.


With my decades of experience as a GP, I can tell you with certainty that your family is not alone.

Our clinically backed programme empowers your family to navigate mental health challenges together. Guiding your family to a happier ‘mentally’ healthier future.

Your own well-being is integral to your child's recovery and happiness, as you will see in the testimonials below, we are here to support you and your child in this process.

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Through listening to and understanding the families who have been on this journey of recovery, we have developed our clinical questionnaire to provide us insight into your specific struggles.

We realise some of these questions may be difficult, however, your answers will allow us to offer a plan tailored to your family.

It will ask you about your child’s problems, and the effect it has had on you and your family.

Once you have completed the questionnaire, we will provide clear guidance on what to do next.

We are proud to offer you a rapid, responsive, bespoke service with you, your child, and your family at its centre. We are so confident in our novel approach that we offer our service free for the first 2 weeks. We want you to experience something new, different, and effective.

Trust your feelings and start now.

Dr Mike Richardson

Anxend Chief Medical Officer

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Accreditations: Association For Coaching; Beyond; BacP1; candyP and WellBeingHub

Sources for statistics:

At least 1 in 5 children and young people have a probable mental health disorder (

67% of young people prefer to access mental health support without seeing their GP (

Only 10% of GPs agreed that they usually felt confident that a referral to CAMHS would result in treatment.  -